Hair care is often termed as cosmetology and is a general term for personal hygiene and skin care involving the hair that grows on the scalp, to a certain extent, including facial, pubic, and other non-body hair. Hair care routines vary according to the cultural and physical attributes of a person’s hair and individual personality. Hair care products are widely available and a simple search on the Internet will yield a variety of choices. In recent years, cosmetic procedures have improved, making hair care easier and less painful for people who seek treatment. However, even with these improvements, many individuals still find themselves dissatisfied with their hair and are seeking out hair loss treatment. If this sounds familiar, then you may need to learn more about the most common hair problems.
The thinning hair issue
One of the most common hair care concerns is hair thinning or balding. While hair growth comes in cycles that last about four to six months, hair thinning or balding usually occurs over a longer period, as hair grows and thins. Many factors are known to cause hair thinning, such as genetics, age, pregnancy, hormonal changes, or heredity. In men, the main cause is testosterone, which combines with the female hormone estrogen to trigger male pattern baldness. For women, hair thinning and balding usually happens after pregnancy and menopause.
The oiliness or dryness hair care concern
Another hair care concern is oiliness or dryness. Oily scalps and dry hair can be caused by heat, such as when a hair dries out after showering, or by chemicals, such as when shampooing. Dry scalp can make hair appear dull, lifeless, or damaged. Hair that is shampooed too frequently or that is otherwise exposed to harsh elements can also develop scalp acne.
The role of hair care products and techniques
Healthy scalp skin and hair require different types of hair care products and techniques. For instance, shampoos that are designed to reduce scalp oil can help to improve the health of the follicles and promote hair growth. This is because excess oil can make hair look dull and greasy. Shampoos that are formulated to reduce scalp oil can also prevent hair loss or stop hair loss from occurring altogether. Chemical-free shampoos, which do not contain any harmful chemicals, are particularly important for people who suffer from hair loss or other hair problems.
Provide your scalp skin with the right nutrients
It is also important to provide your scalp skin with the right nutrients. Foods rich in antioxidants and beta carotene can nourish the scalp skin and can contribute to healthy hair. Beta carotene is associated with reducing pre-mature aging and fighting various diseases, including cancer. Beta carotene is found in carrots, squash, spinach, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and dark leafy greens, as well as in some fruits. The best way to get enough beta carotene to benefit from it is to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables each day. Some beta carotene is also found in raw nuts and seeds.
Optimal time to apply hair care products
The optimal time to apply hair care products and techniques depends on the type of hair you have. If you have dry hair, it is best to start applying treatments when your hair reaches a moisture level close to the scalp skin. Once your hair reaches this stage, you should avoid using chemical alteration or heat. Doing so may damage your hair and dry it even more.
Be careful with hair coloring
Another common chemical alteration is hair coloring. However, while this may color your hair temporarily, the procedure has long term negative effects on the hair shaft. People who use hair coloring often experience thinning hair, thin hair strands, and damaged hair shafts. Some of these side effects include: hair color that is lighter than it should be, permanent damage to the hair shaft, and uneven pigment color. While there are some hair coloring products out there that can help you achieve the shade of color you want, the safest way to go about hair coloring is to leave it to the professionals. You should never attempt to color your hair yourself.
While there are a lot of benefits to doing it yourself, there are also some major disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is the fact that using your own natural pigments can cause permanent damage to your hair shaft. If you’re not careful, you can use natural pigments that contain toxic chemicals, which can lead to premature graying or balding. When you let professionals color your hair, they control the amount of chemical alteration they do to your hair shaft. Since this process only takes about 2 minutes, you’re assured that the process is safe and effective.
Hair care practices vary
Hair care practices vary according to the cultural and physical attributes of one’s hair, as well as individual personality traits. Some cultures value hair more highly than others. Hair care in the West generally has less of a stigma attached to it than hair care in the East. This has been a result of the Western media projecting more beauty and thinner body images to both men and women, leading to more interest in hair care practices by both genders. There is also a large amount of information readily available to the public regarding hair care and hair replacement therapies.
Hair care practices that help maintain healthy hair growth are often part of a routine that includes a scalp massage with essential oils, massage of the scalp by using fingertips, or the application of specialized shampoos. The use of vitamins and herbal supplements, which are beneficial in promoting healthy hair growth, is also a part of a routine that can be part of an overall hair care routine. In addition to the routine of cleansing and conditioning, once a week scouring the hair and scalp with a soft toothbrush to remove dead and unhealthy skin cells, flossing and using a mild clarifying shampoo, may also be part of a routine to maintain healthy hair growth.
Hair care practices that involve the use of specialty shampoo products and conditioners that are low-maintenance include oil-free shampoos that eliminate build-up from oily hair and scalp, as well as non-poo cleansers that use natural oils that leave hair feeling and looking naturally healthy and clean. Specialty shampoos often contain herbs that help moisturize the scalp without the use of additional moisturizers. These types of shampoos are best suited for individuals who wash their hair frequently and/or who live in dry or humid climates where water or moisture are scarce. Dry scalp may benefit from deep conditioning treatments that use organic coconut oil and aloe vera to restore moisture to the hair and scalp. Other individuals who regularly wash their hair with harsh soaps may benefit from a mild cleanser that contains natural oils to reduce the risk of dryness.